Systemapps/Bloatware entfernen

Samsung und alle anderen Hersteller packen ein Android Gerät von Haus aus mit vielen Programmen voll, die bei weitem nicht jeder User brauch.
Manche davon sind auch verantwortlich für hohen Akkuverbrauch.


  1. Rootzugriff! An Administratorrechten geht da leider kein Weg vorbei. Anleitungen zum Rooten haben wir hier: link
  2. Apps um ins System zu kommen. Zum Beispiel RootexplorerTitanium BackupRoot Browser lite,File expert oder spezielle Apps die nur diesen Zweck haben (SD MaidRoot Uninstaller, etc.)
  3. Bei Programmen wie dem ultimativen Titanium Backup oder Systemfreezer kann man unnötige Apps im System Einfrieren, sie sind somit weder sichtbar noch aktiv, aber per Klick einfach wieder auftaubar.



Ich zeige es hier am Beispiel des kostenlosen Fileexpert.
Vorgängig habt Ihr Euch Rootrechte und den File expert geschafft/geladen.

1. Geht in die Einstellungen

2. Fileexplorer Einstellungen

3. Aktiviert Rootexplorer

4. Bestätigt die Superuserabfrage mit "erlauben"

5. Geht zurück und klickt im Übersichtsfenster auf "Meine Dateien"

6. Dann auf "interner Telefonspeicher"

7. Sucht nun den Ordner "System"

8. Da die Systempartition von Haus aus readonly ist, müssen wir erst einmal richtig Mounten. Dazu klicken wir auf die Menütaste des Note und dort auf "mehr"

9. Klicken dann auf Mount

10. ... und dort auf "Mount read/write"

11. Suchen in /system den Ordner "app"

12. ... und finden alle Apps die von Werk aus drauf sind ...

13. Löschen oder Ausschneiden und "wohin" Kopieren muss jeder für sich entscheiden.

Anm.: Ein "Ja" Bedeutet nicht, dass man das App nicht doch noch brauch.
Also vor dem Löschen Brain.exe aktivieren.

Name Löschbar? Beschreibung
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk Nein Google account and setting sync needed for gmail and other google services
AccuWeatherDaemonService.apk Ja Used by samsung weather widget
AlertRecipients.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time
AnalogClock.apk Ja Analog clock widget has a different icon to the system clock
ApplicationsProvider.apk Ja Used to generate search sugestions from installed applications
AppLock.apk Vorsicht UnkNeinwn at this time
AppWidgetPicker.apk Ja Better widget picker, groups widgets by app rather than having them all in a big list
AxT9IME.apk Vorsicht Samsung Keyboard If you remove this, put aNeinther keyboard into system, but lots of keyboard will FC when moved into system
BadgeProvider.apk Nein Will cause FC's if removed
BluetoothAvrcp.apk Nein Needed for bluetooth
BluetoothOpp.apk Nein Needed for bluetooth file transfer between phones
BluetoothPbap.apk Nein Needed for bluetooth
BluetoothTestMode.apk Nein Bluetooth test
BrcmBluetoothServices.apk Nein Needed for bluetooth
Browser.apk Vorsicht Stock browser removal may cause FC's in some ROM/CSC combo's
BuddiesNeinw.apk Ja Buddies widget
CalendarProvider.apk Vorsicht Calander sync
CallSetting.apk Nein Edit call settings
Camera Ja Camera app
CarHomeGoogle.apk Ja Provides UI with big buttons, easy access to navagation, phone, etc
CertInstaller.apk Nein Certificate installer
ChocoEUKor.apk Ja Extra font
ClockPackage.apk Nein Provides system clock Without this you will Neint be able to set alarms, use the timer etc
Contacts.apk Nein Contacts, call log etc
ContactsProvider.apk Nein Contacts Sync
CSC.apk Nein Breaks finding and installing things from the CSC likeapn settings Can be removed after first boot according to some reports
CWMManager.apk Ja CWM Manager app, make backups, reboot into recovery, etc.
DataCreate.apk Nein Removal will cause FC on boot
Days.apk Ja Days widget
DefaultContainerService.apk Nein Needed for application installer
DigitalClock.apk Ja Digital clock widget
Divx.apk Ja DIVX player
Dlna.apk Ja DLNA client (allshare)
DownloadProvider.apk Nein Causes FC's with market and other apps
DownloadProviderUi.apk Ja Download app
Dpi.apk Ja DPI changer
DrmProvider.apk Vorsicht Needed to access media with DRM This may include ringtones with DRM, and other media
DrmUA.apk Ja DRM, works with SisoDrmProvider.apk Removal may break music with DRM
DualClock.apk Ja Dual clock widget
Email.apk Ja Stock email client (Neint gmail) Needed by email widget
EmailWidget.apk Ja Email widget Needs stock samsung email client
Encrypt.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time
FactoryTest.apk Ja Factory test
FmRadio.apk Ja Needed for FM radio
fotaclient.apk Ja Over the air updates Only activated in some country's on a very limited number of carriers.
FOTAKill.apk Ja Prevents OTA updates.
FTC.apk Nein Wifi file transfer
FTM.apk Ja Wifi shareing server
FTS.apk Ja Wifi shareing manager
Gallery3D.apk Vorsicht Gallery application Needed for choosing wallpaper for lock screen
GameHub.apk Ja Game hub
GenieWidget.apk Ja News and weather widget
Gmail.apk Vorsicht Gmail, can be installed from market May FC if installed as a user application
GoogleBackupTransport.apk Vorsicht Google backup services
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk Vorsicht Calander sync
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk Vorsicht Contacts Sync
GoogleFeedback.apk Vorsicht FC reporting
GooglePartnerSetup.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk Ja Needed to show contacts that match as entering numbers in phone app and the long press menu to search function
GoogleServicesFramework.apk Nein Needed for google apps
HelvNeueLT.apk Ja Font
HTMLViewer.apk Vorsicht Seems to be uneeded May be used by other apps to call a webkit view, Nein reported cases of removal breaking anything
IMEITracker.apk Ja Part of samsung dive
InputEventApp.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time May be related to inputs, eg touchscreen and buttons
install_flash_player.apk Ja Can be installed from the market
JKayDeluxSettings.apk Ja Settings app for Jkays mod
JobManager.apk Nein Task manager
Kies.apk Ja Connect to Kie
KiesAir.apk Ja Connect to phone via wifi
kieswifi.apk Ja Connect to Kies via wifi
Kobo.apk Ja Magazine Reader Part of readers hub
LatinImeTutorial.apk Ja Keyboard Tutorial
lcdtest.apk Ja LCD test Activated by secret code
LiveWallpapers.apk Ja Live wallpapers
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk Ja Live wallpapers
LogsProvider.apk Nein Call and SMS etc logs Will cause FC's if removed
Maps.apk Vorsicht Google maps Can be downloaded from the market
MarketUpdater.apk Nein Updates market Needed by market/vending.apk
MediaProvider.apk Nein Needed to access any media including ringtones
MediaUploader.apk Nein UnkNeinwn, remote media upload?
Memo.apk Ja Memo app
Microbesgl.apk Ja Microbes Live wallpaper
MiniDiary.apk Ja Mini Diary app
MinimalHome.apk Vorsicht UnkNeinwn at this time Reports that some people have removed it without any problems.
Mms.apk Vorsicht SMS/MMS app
MmsProvisioning.apk Vorsicht Sets up SMS/MMS services
MobilePrint.apk Ja Access printers via wifi
MobileTrackerEngineTwo.apk Ja Part of samsung dive
MotionsSettings.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time
MtpApplication.apk Ja Needed to connect to Kies
MusicHub_10.apk Ja Newer Music hub version
MusicHub_U1.apk Ja Music Hub
MusicPlayer.apk Ja Stock music app
MyFiles.apk Ja Stock file manager
NetworkLocation.apk Nein Provides Cell location services
OneTimeInitializer.apk Vorsicht Provides first time use setup, should be safe to remove after that.
PackageInstaller.apk Nein Used to install Neinn market apks
PanningTryActually.apk Ja Motion controll tutorial
PCWClientS.apk Nein UnkNeinwn but causes FC's when removed
Personalization.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time
Phone_Util.apk Vorsicht Part of the phone It's one of the secret setting menu's for phone, can be removed.
Phone.apk Nein Phone app and dialer
PhoneCrashNeintifier.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time, samsung crash reporting?
PhoneErrService.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time
PhotoRetouching.apk Ja Photo app
PicoTts.apk Ja TTS Engine
PolarisOffice.apk Ja Polaris office app
PopupuiReceiver.apk Vorsicht UnkNeinwn Has been removed by some people
PostIt.apk Ja Post it Neinte widget
Preconfig.apk Nein UnkNeinwn
PressReader.apk Ja Part of reader hub
Protips.apk Ja Protips widget
PRUI.apk Ja Play ready UI, plays DRM content
QuickView.apk Nein UnkNeinwn but removal causes problems
ReadersHub.apk Ja Readers Hub
SamsungApps.apk Ja Samsung Apps
SamsungAppsUNA3.apk Ja Needed by Samsung Apps
SamsungIM.apk Ja Samsung IM client
SamsungPushService.apk Ja Part of samsung social hub/Neint 100% sure
SamsungWidget_News.apk Ja Samsung News widget
SamsungWidget_ProgramMonitor.apk Ja Samsung program monitor widget
SamsungWidget_StockClock.apk Ja Yahoo finance widget
SamsungWidget_WeatherClock.apk Ja Samsung clock widget with weather
ScreenCaptureService.apk Ja Take screen captures by pressing home and power buttons
SecDownloadProvider.apk Nein Part of file download system
SecretWallpaper1.apk Ja Wallpapers
SecretWallpaper2.apk Ja Wallpapers
SecurityProvider.apk Nein UnkNeinwn at this time
SelfTestMode.apk Ja Self test mode
SerialNumberLabelIndicator.apk Vorsicht UnkNeinwn Has been removed by some people without causing problems.
serviceModeApp.apk Nein UnkNeinwn but removal has caused problems for some people
Settings.apk Nein Phone settings menu
SettingsProvider.apk Nein Syncs settings
SetupWizard.apk Vorsicht Phone set-up that shows up on first boot Can be removed after first boot, or accounts added manually.
SevenEngine.apk Ja Part of samsung social hub
ShareApp.apk Ja Shae Applications to social Media Is Neint needed without TW Launcher
shutdown.apk Ja Kinda useless
signin.apk Ja Samsung accounts needed to open Settings > About phone > Software update
SisoDrmProvider.apk Vorsicht DRM, works with DrmUA.apk Removal may stop media with DRM working, for example ringtones
SMTEngine.apk Vorsicht Samsung text to speak engine Removal may cause problems
SMTSetup.apk Vorsicht UnkNeinwn
SnsAccountFb.apk Ja Samsung social hub facebook
SnsAccountLi.apk Ja Samsung social hub linked in
SnsAccountMs.apk Ja Samsung social hub myspace
SnsAccountTw.apk Ja Samsung social hub twitter
SnsDisclaimer.apk Ja Disclaimer showed by social hub
SnsImageCache.apk Ja Used by samsung social hub
SnsProvider.apk Ja Used by samsung social hub
SocialHub.apk Ja Samsung social hub
SoundPlayer.apk Ja Sound player app
SpareParts.apk Ja Spare Parts tweaks app
SpeechRecorder.apk Ja Used to record sound snippets for tuning voice commands
Stk.apk Ja Sim tool kit Manages multiple sims and carrier sim services
Street.apk Vorsicht Google street view, can be downloaded from market
Superuser.apk Vorsicht Superuser app, needed for root access Only comes with some custom roms, and will only work with a pre rooted kernel or rom
Swype.apk Ja Swype keyboard
syncmldm.apk Ja Part of software update needed to open Settings > About phone > Software update
syncmlds.apk Ja Part of software update needed to open Settings > About phone > Software update, may cause battery drain if removed
SystemUI.apk Nein Android UI
Talk.apk Nein Gtalk Removal will cause unexplained crashed, also may be needed for the market and google cloud to device push messages
Talk2.apk Nein Gtalk with video Removal will cause unexplained crashed, also may be needed for the market and google cloud to device push messages
talkback.apk Nein Seems to cause FC's when frozen
Tasks.apk Ja Tasks app that doesnt sync with google tasks
TasksProvider.apk Nein  
TelephonyProvider.apk Nein Stores SMS/MSM and APN settings
Term.apk Ja Virtual terminal
TouchWiz30Launcher.apk Vorsicht Touchwizz launcher If you remove this, put aNeinther launcher in
TouchWizCalculator.apk Ja Touchwizz calculator
TouchWizCalendar.apk Ja Touchwizz calander If you remove this, you will Neint have a calendar application.
TrimApp.apk Ja Part of video editor
TtsService.apk Vorsicht Stock text to speech service used by google applications, eg navigation
TwCalendarAppWidget.apk Ja Touchwizz calander app widget
TwWallpaperChooser.apk Ja Chose wallpapers for touchwizz
UserDictionaryProvider.apk Vorsicht User dictionary for keyboard Some third party keyboards rely on this including the stock android keyboard
Vending.apk Vorsicht Android market Vending can also work from the Data partition
VideoEditor.apk Ja Stock video editor
VideoPlayer.apk Ja Stock video player
VoiceDialer.apk Ja Voice Dialer
VoiceRecorder.apk Ja Voice recorder app
VoiceSearch.apk Vorsicht Voice search, can be installed from market
VoiceToGo.apk Ja Driving mode Music commands need stock samsung music player
VpnServices.apk Ja Used to connect to VPN's
wipereceiver.apk Ja Part of samsung dive remote wipe
WlanTest.apk Ja Wifi test
wssomacp.apk Nein Carrier sms system configuration
wssyncmlnps.apk Ja Related to syncing with KIES/Desktop software
YouTube.apk Ja Youtube app
Zinio.apk Ja Magazin reader von social hub